I don't know what you think boy but that's really not Juicy. See? You're still 16? or 17? or 28? Hmmm I don't remember how old you are because I'm not your mama Bieber!
Oh I remember how could his parents just let him hire a trainer for that silly reason? I mean hey mama or dada Bieber don't you care about his business???? Do you think that trainer can be his nanny too????? Owww right is that what you think???? If so, I'm sorry Beleber but you have the worst parents. They don't teach you well when you're a baby. I tell that's not a song what you sing. A TRAINER FOR NANNIER. That's so silly and too funny to laugh. Like when you wanna say "Hey sexy! Wanna go date with me?" it's like "Hey someone tell me I'm not old enough to say it. Please call my nanny...oh I mean trainer." If he said so to me, I would say "Hey boy if you wanna date me, you have to sunat first! Do you know sunat? Ask to your mama or dada okay?" Bwahahaahaha I'm not joking at all.
I wanna give advice to his trainer to not forget to buy diapers and milk. Opppss not that. My advice is take care of that boy until he gets his sunat. And hook up is a BAD thing to teach!
xoxo JS