Lady Gaga Ate Everyone's Hearts

"Once you kill a cow,you gotta make a burger" -Lady Gaga

I love that quote from Telephone video. Lady Gaga is The Real Fame Monster!!!! I love all her musics and she brings really juicy music for people from all over the worlds. I never hear such amazing music like Lady Gaga. I admire her as amazing singer ever.

That burger fever just made some people around got a sick. Its a day when i watched the Telephone video. So My BFF asked me if i was hungry

me :"Once you kill a cow,you gotta make a burger!"
BFF:"Okay i'm hungry. Burger sounds yummy."
Adriana :"Oh no,that's not good one. Just find the healthy one."
Darren :"Then let's go get donuts. How about that? I'm sure everyone won't doubt it."
me :"That's great! I got it now!"
BFF :"What?"
me :"Once you get hungry,you gotta buy a donut!"
Adriana :"Hahaa!"
BFF :"Another Gaga's quote"

So actually we can make a varition words from that. That's why i think she's Juicy! And i have my own Gaga quote, "Once you have money,you gotta buy me donuts!"


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Carmen said...

its great one,funny
she ate my heart too
also you xx

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