Trainer For Nannier

What's up with my post now? Well,I just watched news and read magz then got something blah one. It's about Beleber (again). Why almost my every post about him? Hmmm because a lotta "kid" things from him.
What I got is Beleber just hired a trainer. You maybe think he wanna pump his body. That's absolutely not true! It's not for that simple thing but for THE SILLIEST THING EVER! So what's that? Believe it or not, he just hired a trainer for being a flirting girl expert! Or maybe I should say HOOK UP with girls. It's really in news and made me lala! I was like "What the heck of life this boy live in!? Whatta hell with this premature boy (oopsss)! This is just too not Juicy! Bla bla bla...."
I don't know what you think boy but that's really not Juicy. See? You're still 16? or 17? or 28? Hmmm I don't remember how old you are because I'm not your mama Bieber!
Oh I remember how could his parents just let him hire a trainer for that silly reason? I mean hey mama or dada Bieber don't you care about his business???? Do you think that trainer can be his nanny too????? Owww right is that what you think???? If so, I'm sorry Beleber but you have the worst parents. They don't teach you well when you're a baby. I tell that's not a song what you sing. A TRAINER FOR NANNIER. That's so silly and too funny to laugh. Like when you wanna say "Hey sexy! Wanna go date with me?" it's like "Hey someone tell me I'm not old enough to say it. Please call my nanny...oh I mean trainer." If he said so to me, I would say "Hey boy if you wanna date me, you have to sunat first! Do you know sunat? Ask to your mama or dada okay?" Bwahahaahaha I'm not joking at all.
I wanna give advice to his trainer to not forget to buy diapers and milk. Opppss not that. My advice is take care of that boy until he gets his sunat. And hook up is a BAD thing to teach!

xoxo JS

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Hey everyone!!!! Guess who's back????
Hahaa yeah THE J.U.I.C.Y HAS BAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKK!!!! Wohooooooo! Sorry for my dissapear thing because I've learned a ninja trick to dissapear myself. LOL joking.
Well, its actually because of this blogspot new rules so it made difficult way for me to go to my blog. I've tried thousand times to post or let's call it loging but damn bloggy! I couldn't make it! I was frustated about it and yeah maybe as you thought I left it with nothing. Geez frankly I don't wanna leave it because I have so many Juicy things to share to you - a lot!
I have a news for yall. I'm a college student now. Happy? Uhmmm let me think....hell yes! but no too! Why? Because there's no more test for YES word and I'm kinda old now for NO word. Hahaa that's right but not that so. College is fun but if that's what you think now,you'd better think it twice or three or maybe more than three. Yes it is fun but for a minute you'll know that you wanna  SOL (Scream Out of Loud). A lot of assignments and more strict than High School even Junior High School (yeah even Elementary duh! Talk about college,it really takes all my free time to have fun. Yes and take my weekend! Oh my that's my freedom time! I have to get back my freedom but how? Sometimes I get my weekend but just SOMETIMES not that so sometimes. I love Juicy and also FREEDOM! 


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